Investing in Tomorrow’s Talent Today

We’ve been championing student placements for quite a while now, but this week marks a first at Global Brands, 3 student placements from past, present and future all working together! We took this opportunity to find out what they’ve gained from working in our busy Marketing department for 12 months, and what they hope the future holds.

First up, we welcomed back our placement student for 2022/23, Ellie Memmott. Ellie joined us initially in August 2022 from Sheffield Hallam University where she was doing a degree in Marketing. She returned to university after 12 months with us to complete her degree and we are now thrilled to welcome her back in a permanent, full-time role as Brand Coordinator! Ellie said: “My time at Global Brands taught me invaluable lessons for both my personal and professional life, I could honestly talk for hours about my placement experience! For my final year of university, I was able to maintain a strong work ethic (mainly down to finding out there are hours in the day before 11am!). I also found that lectures made much more sense because I could relate them to real-life situations that I had experienced, which were all far more exciting than the examples my lecturers gave me. This meant that I was able to enjoy my final year (fairly) stress free!”. We can’t wait to see some of the campaigns Ellie is now working on come to fruition, and how she develops in her career with us.

Next, we spoke to our current student placement, Amelia Warburton. Amelia joined us from Nottingham Trent university in August last year and we will say a sad farewell to her later this month when she will return to university to finish her Marketing degree. She commented: “The most valuable thing I have learned here at Global Brands is that you really can do it!! I would have never thought I would be leading projects and hosting meetings and presenting to the business, handling large budgets and managing campaigns… all while having a really great time and being myself. Global has taught me that we all start somewhere and with the right people around you and a little bit of faked confidence the sky is the limit. I’m looking forward to putting my project management and brand creativity skills into practise back at university and further in the future”. We wish Amelia all the best in her final year at Trent, we know she’ll smash it!

Finally, we caught up with our brand-new student placement, Daniel Barber. He also joins us from Sheffield Hallam University where he is studying Business Management with Psychology. He’s got big shoes to fill but we’re confident he’ll live up to expectations, and with the benefit of working with a previous placement student, we can’t wait to see how Daniel develops with us. He told us: “The main thing that I am wanting to gain throughout my time at Global Brands is hands on experience. I’ve been in academia all my life up until now and I feel that with this hands-on experience I could learn so much about how a real business operates. Another skill I am keen to learn while here at Global is managing responsibilities. I’ve been here a few months at this point, and I’ve already had so much that I have been responsible for which is amazing as I really feel part of the team. At the end of my time with Global Brands I hope to be a lot wiser and a lot more knowledgeable about how to work in a great organisation like Global Brands”.

If you’re studying at university and are interested in becoming our next placement student for 2025/6, please email or to find out more.