Megan Cliffe - Brand Manager
How long have you worked at Global Brands?
I started at Global Brands in June 2022, so I’ve been here for around 6 months now.
Describe Global Brands’ work environment in 5 words
Welcoming, friendly, team-focused, and more importantly, hilarious and fun!
What makes you proud to work for Global Brands?
I’m proud to work for a family-run business that has created and established so many well-known brands. I love telling people about the brands I work on as they’ve always heard of them and are super jealous about the kinds of things I get up to on a daily basis when working on those brands! It’s how I know I work for a company and brands that people really love and recognise.
What’s your biggest accomplishment at Global Brands?
I think my biggest accomplishment at Global Brands to date has to be overcoming my anxiety of public speaking and presenting the Hooch Brand Plan to the business, alongside my colleague Jacob. I proved to myself that I can speak confidently to a room full of people and it’ll certainly be a skill I’ll utilise in future! I’m also really looking forward to seeing what else I can achieve in the future, too.
What’s the best project you’ve worked on, and why?
Up to now, the best project I have contributed to is the launch of Orange Hooch. Being able to see the brand in action, surrounded by consumers who loved the product and the brand was so affirming – everyone who attended had the best night!
What’s your favourite product by Global Brands? And why?
Perhaps I’m a tad bias (seeing as I’m the Hooch Brand Manager), but I’m going to have to say Hooch. It was a trailblazer when it first launched in the 90’s and now it’s reached a cult status where it truly is an icon and all-round legend on the British drinks scene. Hooch is such a fun brand to work on, and the team surrounding it are so talented and passionate that I love seeing what we can produce next!
So, just out of curiosity, what is your favourite packet of crisps?
Not even a question: Kettle Chips. Salt and vinegar. That is all.
If you had one piece of advice to someone wanting a career in the drinks industry what would it be?
As I’m still pretty new to the drinks industry myself, I’d say the main piece of advice for getting into the industry that I’ve noticed is: be passionate. You need to care about the industry, the products, the customers and most of all, the consumers. Once you have that spark of creativity and excitement about each aspect of the industry, you’re all set.