Jacob Barrett - Brand Manager

How long have you worked at Global Brands?

About three years now, time has really flown.

Describe Global Brands’ work environment in 5 words

Exciting, unique, creative, sociable, and fun.

What makes you proud to work for Global Brands?

I think the fact it’s remained an independent business in the North of England, it’s done a lot for the area and isn’t something you see too often, which is quite inspiring—also having the opportunity to work on a great range of brands, and with a team that is enthusiastic about what they do.

What’s your biggest accomplishment at Global Brands?

Probably my personal and professional development. I joined Global soon after finishing University, so I didn’t have too much experience in the industry. However, I was able to learn a lot from those around me, which helped me work up from a Brand Co-Ordinator to Assistant BM and now Brand Manager.

What’s the best project you’ve worked on, and why?

Too many to mention, I’ve been lucky to work on some cool projects over the years. Festival activations are up there, stretching from Kendal Calling to Bournemouth 7s. But it would probably be the most recent brand collaboration Hooch did with SALT Brewery. It was a first for the brand and resonated well with consumers. It was a great team and campaign to be a part of. I also got to work with Bez from Happy Mondays, which isn’t something everyone can say!

What’s your favourite product by Global Brands? And why?

A bit biased, but it’s got to be Hooch! It was the reason I started working for Global and is a drink I have lots of memories with it! Despite being launched almost 30 years ago, it still amazes the fanbase this 90s bev has. But in a close second, it’s Be. and more specifically the Margarita, as I’m a huge tequila fan and this hits the spot every time!

So, just out of curiosity, what is your favourite packet of crisps?

Monster munch, hands down. They make your breath smell, but it’s so worth it! And there’s a literal monster on the front of the pack, how many crisps can you say that about?

If you had one piece of advice to someone wanting a career in the drinks industry what would it be?

It’s a fast-paced environment with no day ever being the same. Be prepared for the unexpected, to think outside the box, but remember to have fun. You’ll never look at a bar or supermarket shelf the same way!