Emily Mason - Transport & Warehouse Admin Assistant
How long have you worked at Global Brands?
6 Years
Describe Global Brands’ work environment in 5 words
Friendly, rewarding, entertaining, busy but fun.
What makes you proud to work for Global Brands?
That no matter what department you work in everyone is working towards the same goal and everyone is willing to help each other.
What’s your biggest accomplishment at Global Brands?
Helping the warehouse change to a new warehouse management system. Going from an old system to a newer updated version was difficult at times but 2 years down the line seeing that all the hard work paid off is so rewarding.
What’s the best project you’ve worked on, and why?
It’s got to be Good Time In, which is the website we set up in lockdown so everyone could get our products delivered straight to home. Sitting in Zoom meetings (back in 2020) about how we wanted the website to work and what products we wanted to sell, to now being in 2023 and the website is still successful!
What’s your favourite product by Global Brands and why?
All Shook Up Passionfruit Martini! It reminds me of summer.
So, just out of curiosity, what is your favourite packet of crisps?
Walkers BBQ Rib – bring them back!
If you had one piece of advice to someone wanting a career in the drinks industry what would it be?
Jump in with two feet and don’t give up when things get hard.