Claire Pickess - Business Support Manager

How long have you worked at Global Brands?

25 years

Describe Global Brands’ work environment in 5 words

Family, Friendly, Hard Working, Fast Paced, Amazing.

What makes you proud to work for Global Brands?

To see how the business has grown since I joined.  We started in a small portacabin on an industrial estate (we had one toilet that had no lock on the door, so we had to use a Calor gas can to prop the door closed).  Its sounds really corny but having worked at the company for so long I look at it as my second family and so proud of how far we have come.

What’s your biggest accomplishment at Global Brands?

Erm… I would say winning the company Culture Award recently, which was voted for by everyone here.

What’s the best project you’ve worked on, and why?

I have worked on lots over the years, but I would say organising the Christmas parties have been the best as they have been so varied, also weekends in Spain, marquees at Steves house, and various hotels until we owned our own.

What’s your favourite product by Global Brands? And why?

VK Ice, I just love a cold one on a hot summers day.

So, just out of curiosity, what is your favourite packet of crisps?

Salt & Vinegar.

If you had one piece of advice to someone wanting a career in the drinks industry what would it be?

Do it, you will love it!