Molly Wilkins - Employee Development and Engagement Assistant
How long have you worked at Global Brands?
6 months
Describe Global Brands’ work environment in 5 words
Collaborative, non-corporate, relaxed, welcoming, inclusive!
What makes you proud to work for Global Brands?
Global invests in young people and I’m all for it. We work closely with schools and colleges to provide apprenticeships ranging from digital marketing through to accounting, all the way up to degree level. We also work with universities to offer placement years for students. The support doesn’t end there and many of our apprentices or placement students join us as permanent members of the team on completion of their studies. Those that move on will have acquired qualifications and work experience that they can take away with them, putting them a step ahead of the competition when applying for their next positions.
What’s your biggest accomplishment at Global Brands?
I was involved in organising an event where year 11s from local schools came in to do mock interviews and go through an application process. I spent the day interviewing candidates, setting up practical tasks and then got to award the top candidates with gift vouchers in a presentation at the end of the day. It was really rewarding, and I felt like it had made an impact on the students by giving them a flavour of what to expect when applying for their first jobs – and hopefully got them feeling inspired!
What’s the best project you’ve worked on, and why?
The best project I have worked on has been creating our employee engagement groups. We get together to discuss the results of our employee engagement survey and come up with ways in which we can recognise and reward our employees for the amazing work they do. It’s fun, and democratic and has given me the opportunity to get to know members of other departments!
What’s your favourite product by Global Brands? And why?
I like the pineapple cream Lustre. Like a pina colada x alcoholic milkshake.
So, just out of curiosity, what is your favourite packet of crisps?
Monster munch. No further comment!
If you had one piece of advice to someone wanting a career in the drinks industry what would it be?
There is a role for everyone. We have people from all different backgrounds and industries and all personality types! You don’t need to have a background in sales or a degree in marketing to be involved.